Thursday, August 12, 2010


1. Introduction.
Narration: A. Climate change causes devastating effects to livelihoods of millions of people, particularly in the sub-Saharan Africa. Communities living in the fragile ecosystems have been adversely affected by acute weather changes over time.

Narration: B. The arid and semi-arid areas of Kenya are not an exception. In Sipili, Laikipia west district of the Rift Valley province, we find a typical farmer who is determined to adapt to the change, against all odds.

Narration: C. Being in the rural and remote areas, they suffer from exploitation by brokers and middlemen, ending up with poor prices.

Narration: D. Communities in Sipili have high expectations and optimisms that with free Internet services at the Nga’rua Maarifa Center, they can benefit from Electronic marketing and hence expose produce to better market.

Narration: E. As an intervention ALIN have introduced an Internet portal called the (SokoPepe) where farmers login and expose their goods to potential buyers, thus getting a chance to auction their produce with an aim of fetching better value.

Narration: F. The success in perennial crops depends upon innovations like; water harvesting, Grafting, Mixed cropping, intercropping, organic farming and selection of suitable crops varieties.

Narration: G. Bee keeping is not only good for honey production but also to aid pollination in the farms.

Narration: H. Traditionally, small-scale farmers grew conventional crops, like maize, wheat, beans and vegetables, among other cereals, mostly for subsistence. Such crops are susceptible to failure, in the hash weather conditions.

Bett Kipsan’g
ALIN Ng’arua Maarifa Center.

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